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Conquer Fibroids Package

Conquer Fibroids Package


The Conquer Fibroids Package is tailored to Women with uterine fibroids, cysts, polyps, endometriosis, PCOS, and/or other womb ailments. It contains: 1 Womb Wellness Tea, 1 Healthy Blood Tea, and 1 or 4 Yoni Wellness Yoni Steams.


(a) Womb Wellness Tea--is an organic proprietary blend of cleavers, red raspberry leaf, and other alkaline herbs that helps to balance hormones, eliminate waste from the womb, dissolve fibroids and other masses, and alleviate symptoms such as pelvic pain, heavy bleeding, and irregular menstrual cycles.


(b) Healthy Blood Tea--is an organic proprietary blend of burdock root, dandelion root, and other alkaline herbs that helps to eliminate toxins that feed fibroids while nourishing the womb with high amounts of iron fluorine and other minerals. It assists in building blood, which is critical if anemia-iron deficiency is present and as fibroids deteriorate and possibly increase bleeding.


(c) Yoni Wellness Yoni Steam--is an organic proprietary blend of yarrow, red raspberry leaf, and other herbs. This healing blend is formulated to assist with womb ailments such as fibroids, cysts, polyps, endometriosis, and scar tissue. It also alleviates menstrual cramps, pelvic pain, heavy bleeding, and irregular menstrual cycles.



Tea Instructions: While it is best to drink each tea separately, they may be steeped and consumed together. When combining teas, brew 2 teaspoons of Womb Wellness and 1 teaspoon of Healthy Blood for every 8 to 16 ounces of boiling spring or filtered water. Steep for at least 20 minutes before straining the herbs from the tea. Steep longer for a more potent tonic. For best results, drink 16 ounces or more 2-3 times daily for at least 1 month. Drink plenty extra water throughout the day. 


Yoni Steam: When fighting fibroids or other womb ailments, it is best to yoni steam regularly, at least once per week.



Diet: When fighting fibroids or other ailments, it is best to avoid substances that feed the disease. In this instance, eliminate—or significantly reduce—your intake of dairy, meat, seafood, soy, processed foods, refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and white flour. These substances feed fibroids and disease. Increase your intake of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs.  



Note: Each tea will last up to 4 weeks if consumed daily. Continue using the Conquer Fibroids Package until desired results are achieved. Every Woman’s body is different, so timing will vary. Do not use the Conquer Fibroids Package while pregnant or breastfeeding.



The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Use at your own discretion with the guidance of your holistic health provider. Consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product, especially if you have health problems or are taking medication.

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